For configuring release installation and upgrade options like command flags, allowed namespaces and serviceAccountName which will be used for managing rendered resources there is a dedicated custom resource.

kind: Config
  name: example-config
  namespace: helm ### needs to be the same namespace for every release resource which should use this configuration
  serviceAccountName: account ### service account which will be used for configured releases for deploying resources
    install: false ### equal to `--install-namespace` flag
    allowed: ### configure a list of allowed namespaces for deploying releases
    - helm
    - share
  flags: ### keys are equal to install or upgrade flags
    atomic: false
    skipCRDs: false
    subNotes: true
    disableOpenAPIValidation: false
    dryRun: false
    disableHooks: false
    wait: false
    cleanupOnFail: false
    recreate: false
    timeout: 3600
    force: false
    description: "test description"